Which quantum mechanics interpretation suits me?

Quantum mechanics is weird, to say the least. It gives us a mathematical framework for predicting observations and such, as a body of scientific laws should. But people continue to disagree as to what do its elements actually mean. This test aims to find the interpretation that suits you the most, based on their characteristics.


Determinism, in this context, is the concept that events are bound by causality in such a way that any state (of an object or event) is completely determined by prior states.

I don't want determinism
I need determinism

Is the wavefunction real?

The wavefunction is a mathematical description of the state of an isolated system: a complex-valued probability amplitude. But does it represent something that actually exists? Does it represent something physical?

The wavefunction should only be an abstract construct
The wavefunction should have an objective, physical existence

Is there a unique history?

Quantum mechanics often deals with multiple results for experiments: calculations give out the probabilities of different outcomes. One of them ends up being what we actually observe, but what of the other "histories"? Do they happen in some way?

There shouldn't be a unique history
There should be a unique history

Collapse of the wavefunction

When a system is in a state of superposition of "base states" (eigenstates), it appears to reduce to one of these (by "observation"). But is this a real phenomenon, or is it just a secondary phenomenon? For example, it could be that what we observe as the "collapse" is just the system entering a superposition with its environment, transferring information to it.

There should be no such thing as the wavefunction's collapse
The wavefunction's collapse should be an actual phenomenon

Observer role

For quantum mechanics, an observer corresponds to the act of measurement, which results in the system taking on specific values. But does this mean quantum mechanics is describing something about the observer or its interactions with the system?

The observer should not have a special role in the interpretation
The observer should have a special role in the interpretation

Hidden variables

Some people argue that quantum mechanics is incomplete: there could be "hidden variables" that could account, for example, for the indeterminacy in measurements. Knowledge of these hidden variables would result, then, in a theory without indeterminacy. However, it must be noted that hidden variables are incompatible with local dynamics (see below)

There shouldn't be any hidden variables
There should be hidden variables

Local dynamics

The principle of locality states that an object is directly influenced only by its immediate surroundings. A theory which includes the principle of locality is said to be a "local theory". Note that locality rules out the possibility of hidden variables (see above).

Dynamics should not be local
Dynamics should be local

Counterfactual definiteness

Counterfactual definiteness is the ability to speak "meaningfully" of the definiteness of the results of measurements that have not been performed. In other words, an interpretation with counterfactual definiteness treats unmeasured results on an equal footing with measured results in statistical calculations.

Unmeasured results should not be treated as equal with measured results
Unmeasured results should be treated as equal with measured results

Universal wavefunction

The universal wave function is the wavefunction or quantum state of the totality of existence, regarded as the "basic physical entity" or "the fundamental entity, obeying at all times a deterministic wave equation.

There shouldn't be a universal wavefunction
There should be a universal wavefunction