About JRPGs

less than 1 minute read

Recently, I’ve decided to try and adapt H. P. Lovecraft’s “The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath” as a JRPG-styled game. TVTropes uses the term Eastern RPG, but I will be using JRPG, as it’s the one I’ve seen the most. I’m using Godot as the engine.

As a disclaimer, I’m a huge Chrono Trigger fan, so it’s quite possible it will end up having many similarities to it. However, in the spirit of exploring some variations in game design, I’ve been playing through Final Fantasy VI. I’ve also played Chrono Cross, Golden Sun, many Pokémon games, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Radiant Historia (even though I haven’t finished it, I managed to get to the final arc, IIRC), Undertale, and some Xenoblade Chronicles. I’d also like to check info on Earthbound series.

I’ll be writing my observations on battle systems, art styles and whatnot :) Most of the game references will come from my own gaming experience, so they may be outdated and incomplete.

